Canton DC’s Website Strategies and Ohio Injury Referrals

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Canton DC’s Website Strategies and Ohio Injury Referrals



In today’s economy, thought leadership is a major buzzword. It’s something people talk about incessantly. But what does it mean?

The thought leadership process involves reaching out to an audience and demonstrating authoritative knowledge in a particular field. This is often established through a content program. These content programs can take many forms, but they have one thing in common — they seek to show people the inherent knowledge that the company has about its industry and markets.

There are also many ways to develop thought leadership. Some companies strive to specialize, so that they can be the foremost authority on some particular product or service. Others participate in conferences and other events to try to promote visibility and make themselves look authoritative. Some push the boundaries of what is on the web to push a particular philosophy that they feel is right.

Then there are more subtle strategies.

For instance, think about those regular old 500-word webpages that are part of so many business websites.

What do you see in these pages? What do you rarely see?

What you often saw, especially in the early days of the Internet, was generic or syndicated content that didn’t demonstrate very much thought leadership at all. You saw entire posts based on words like “whiplash,” trying to get people to try chiropractic services after an accident. But there was rarely a whisper of scientific or medical backing — not even very many doctor bios.

These days, practices are getting much more proactive about at least introducing doctors and their philosophies of care. That’s good, but it’s possible to go much further.

Take a look at the website of Powell Chiropractic in Canton, Ohio. There are a number of things to love about this practice’s model — there are interactive videos, and even a place to sign up for a monthly digital newsletter. All of these are excellent ways to network with patients and reach out to people in the local community.

However, you also have a rather subtle feature on the company’s blog pages.

Below the page text, you have a section called “references.” Here, practice employees plug in footnotes from publications like Gray’s Anatomy and BusinessWeek. These formal citations show that the information on the blog page was pulled from some authoritative source, not just written arbitrarily.

This also goes into that idea that ‘the proof is in the pudding’ when it comes to chiropractic — that readers want authoritative facts to convince them that they should try these kinds of services.

So by dressing up the web content and putting more of an authoritative face on a practice, doctors get a key competitive advantage. People who are researching chiropractic, whether they are online or walking the streets of their communities, want a place that seems in touch, where doctors are knowledgeable and reaching out to offer their wisdom to patients.

Doctors in busy Ohio areas can also use Energize Chiropractic Marketing to develop a reputation and reach more potential patients. Ask Energize about Ohio personal injury telemarketing services that can work wonders for a practice. A qualified Ohio injury referral service will put you face to face will qualified personal injury patients in your city.