Chiropractic Newsletters and Ohio Chiropractic Telemarketing

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Westerville Chiropractor Uses A Newsletter on a Practice Page


Not all chiropractors invest in putting reading material on their websites, but the ones that do can find they’re more likely to reap bigger rewards in terms of local interest in their communities.

It seems like during the last couple of decades, most businesses started to realize the value of the business blog. Part of it was related to Google rankings, and the fact that you could use keywords to up your page ranks when writing blog content. But many business leaders understood intuitively that when people are browsing the web, they want more than just names and numbers. They want information resources that they can engage and interact with. And that’s another big part of why the blog became so popular.

Ten years ago, you could see all sorts of chiropractic blogs that were basically bottom-level content production stuffed with generic keywords. A lot of the sites actually syndicated the exact same verbatim content that dozens of other chiro offices also used.

Now you’re seeing a bigger shift to quality as Google changes its algorithms to crack down on keyword stuffers and junk content producers. You’re also seeing more of an evaluation of things like bounce rate and click-through rate, as businesses take more care to understand how readers are using their site, not just how many people stop by on any given day or week.

Here’s an example from Gillis Chiropractic in Lima and Westerville, Ohio. This practice takes care to include what they call ‘featured articles’ directly on the landing page of the site. Readers who are interested can click into resources that are tailored to their interests.

For example, with one prominent post titled “Can chiropractic improve your game?” we know exactly who the practice is talking to. Golfers are a very specific demographic. It’s not as if the rank-and-file of chiropractic patients are all going to be wanting to improve their chip swing. However, by building a blog that responds to different sets of interests, and targeting particular audiences, chiropractic businesses go a long way from mediocre to blazingly successful.

In fact, we’ve seen that the more vibrant web pages are, the more interest local businesses usually get. Web readers are not machines – they’re people and they want to get into a conversation with the site, even if it’s just one-sided. In other words, you don’t need a live chat — you just need something people can sink their teeth into.

At Energize Chiropractic Marketing, we offer a chiropractic doctor another option to develop a new kind of conversation with local audiences. Our Ohio personal injury telemarketing teams reach out directly to people in the doctor’s area who may have been involved in a car accident other trauma, or have other needs for chiropractic care. We then connect them with our qualified chiropractor partners. Ask us about how this kind of synergistic marketing can help your practice to build a stronger, more successful marketing result over time.